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How does sunshine room build more comfortable


After building mobile sunhouses in rural areas, many owners do not design the interior carefully. In fact, mobile sun room in the appearance, has been very novel, and the interior can be arbitrarily transformed. It is precisely this situation that many owners do not know what to make of the interior instead because of too many choices. In fact, in the countryside, when moving the interior design of the sun room, you can try these furniture and style, it will be very suitable.

Flower and wood tea table
Flowers have more than fragrance, if the ventilation is not timely, you can feel all kinds of peculiar smell in the fertilizer, will be very unpleasant. Originally wanted to flower and wood fragrance, if there is no timely ventilation, coupled with the spray paint of wood, will make the interior of the mobile sun room, can not enter. Therefore, the mobile sun room can fold the effect of ventilation at any time, can make the peculiar smell of fertilizer can not exist at any time, and this kind of log can also not spray paint, so that the room is full of flowers and wood fragrance.